Create a plan to quit smoking: 8 tips to help you get started

By U of L Health
University of Louisville

You don’t have to wait for a New Year’s resolution to quit smoking. The third Thursday in November is recognized as The Great American Smokeout, a day dedicated to people to quit smoking.

Most people know that smoking is bad for them, but it seems as though few know how to quit. The key to successfully quitting smoking is being prepared. The following eight tips from can help you create a plan.

Pick a quit date: When choosing a quit date, sooner is always better than later. Avoid picking a day when you will be busy, stressed or tempted to smoke. Circle your quit date on a calendar and write it somewhere that will be a constant reminder. Put reminders anywhere you feel necessary to make sure your quit date does not slip your mind. Start reducing the amount of cigarettes smoked per day gradually until quitting day to help avoid going “cold turkey.”

Let everyone know you want to stop: Quitting smoking is easier with support from people in your life. Let them know that you are planning to quit and explain how they can help you. Do not be afraid to let your loved ones know that you need help.

Remove reminders of smoking: Throw it all away! Do not hold on to an emergency pack of cigarettes or stash away extra lighters. Every reminder you have of your smoking habit will make it harder for you to quit.

Identify your reasons to quit smoking: Remind yourself every day why you are quitting. Whether you want to stop smoking to be healthier or just to save money, your reason to stop must be important to you. Your reason for quitting may be the one thing keeping you from falling back into old habits.

Identify your smoking triggers: Make a list of everything that makes you feel like smoking. Write down one way you can deal with or avoid each item on your list. Keep this list handy while you are trying to quit and refer to it when you are struggling.

Have places you can turn to for help: Quitting smoking is hardest during the first few weeks. You will deal with uncomfortable feelings, smoking temptations, withdrawal symptoms and cigarette cravings. Whether it is a support group or a good friend, always make sure you have support available.

Have a nicotine replacement therapy plan: Quitting “cold turkey” isn’t helpful for most people. Set up an appointment with your primary care provider or call 1-800-QUIT-NOW to start a conversation about the different products available (nicotine patches, medications, etc.) before quitting.

Slip-ups are normal: No one is perfect. Choosing to quit smoking is a difficult choice to make until it’s become a habit. There might be times when you are under a significant amount of stress or pressure and you slip up. While this is normal, recognize the difference between slipping up and relapsing back into your smoking habit. Be conscious of the amount of nicotine you are using with your quit date in mind. It’s better to continue using, but at lower amounts, than to fall back into your normal usage.

Ready to quit smoking? Call 1-800-QUIT-NOW or visit The University of Louisville also offers a tobacco cessation course in conjunction with the Kentucky Cancer Program. Call 502-662-7092 to learn more.

Kentucky Health News is an independent news service of the Institute for Rural Journalism and Community Issues, based in the School of Journalism and Media at the University of Kentucky, with support from the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky.