Zone Change Hearing for proposed Suburban Pointe expansion

Today at 6pm, Council will be holding a Zone Change Public Hearing for a proposed mobile home park located on Price Road.
The proposed development would expand the Suburban Pointe Mobile Home Park onto 421 Price Road, adjacent to St. Martins Village, one of Lexington’s historically Black neighborhoods.
The Planning Commission voted 7-1 to approve the zone change in September. Members of St. Martins Village spoke out against the development, arguing that the City should work to protect historically Black neighborhoods from development that they feel is harmful to the neighborhood.
The development plan originally included connecting Suburban Pointe to the St. Martins Village neighborhood via three dead-end streets in St. Martins Village. The Comprehensive Plan strongly recommends connecting dead-end streets with new developments whenever possible.
However, the Planning Commission removed those connections, so the proposed Suburban Pointe Mobile Home Park will be separated from the existing neighborhood by landscaping such as trees and bushes.
The Public Hearing will be held on Tuesday, November 12th at 6pm in Council Chambers. You can attend in-person or live on LexTV.
Republished from CivicLex.
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