Kentucky Resources Council discusses environmental bills as state legislative session begins
Originally published by WEKU.
Environmental law and advocacy group Kentucky Resource Council says they’re keeping tabs on multiple state bills as this year’s legislative session begins.
The group monitors bills each session that could impact the Commonwealth’s energy, health, and environmental policies.
One such piece of legislation is House Bill 102. It would create a working group in the state government to study long-lasting, potentially harmful chemicals called PFAS that are found in the water, air and soil.
Executive Director Ashley Wilmes says it would help Kentuckians better understand how the chemicals could affect health, particularly in kids.
“We already know that exposure to certain levels of PFAS may interfere with hormones, have reproductive impacts and even cause developmental delays,” Wilmes said.
Another bill of interest is House Bill 137, which would have the state only use the most current methods approved by the EPA used to collect data on air pollution.
Ashley Wilmes says it unnecessarily restricts the way pollution data can be reported.
“Citizen and community-based monitoring programs promote the use of more innovative and non-traditional monitoring technologies than just those EPA approved methods, really fostering progress in air quality, monitoring and enforcement,” Wilmes said.
Wilmes says the group is also keeping tabs on bills relating to mine safety regulations. That includes House Bill 196, which would reduce the number of emergency technicians required to be on shift, and House Bill 209, which would make it easier for someone with black lung disease to reopen a claim.
They’re also keeping tabs on non-environmental bills like House Bill 173. That would keep local governments from adopting ordinances that create a registry of rental properties.
Those interested in following the session can follow along at the general assembly’s official website, or by calling the legislature’s message line at 1-800-372-7181. The KRC provides updates on environmental bills every week on their website and through their email list.
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Originally published by WEKU.
Republished with permission.