New STREEET Safety Task Force will meet for first time this week


Last week, Vice Mayor Dan Wu announced the creation of the STREEET Safety Task Force (Shared Travel Requires Engineering, Education, and Enforcement of Traffic), which aims to address immediate issues and needs regarding safety for all modes of transportation in Fayette County. The Task Force will have its first meeting this Thursday.

The Task Force complements Lexington’s Complete Streets Action Plan, which sets long-term policies for how to improve and redesign Lexington streets. However, the STREEET Safety Task Force will focus on current and immediate gaps not addressed by the Complete Streets Action Plan.

The Task Force will be co-chaired by District 10 Councilmember Dave Sevigny and District 5 Councilmember Liz Sheehan and will include other Councilmembers, representatives from Public Safety, Planning, Engineering, the County Attorney’s office, and the community.

The STREET Safety Task Force will meet on Thursday, January 23rd at 3pm in the Government Center 5th Floor Conference Room. You can attend the meeting in-person.

Republished from CivicLex.

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