Partners for Youth update to Council


In Tuesday’s Social Services and Public Safety (SSPS) Committee, Council will hear a presentation on Partners for Youth from Executive Director Shanreka Shackelford.

Partners For Youth aims to promote positive youth development and prevent juvenile delinquency through college scholarships, grants for organizations that work with youth, youth development programs, and community collaborations.

Community partners provide skill sessions such as financial literacy courses and workplace etiquette courses as well as worksites for the Summer Youth Job Training Program which offers paid, part-time jobs to high school students in order to help them develop professionally and interpersonally.

Looking forward, Partners for Youth plans to expand their Summer Youth Job Training program by increasing job opportunities in additional fields, increasing the number of scholarships awarded, and recruiting more community partners for youth events and activities as well as reaching more neighborhoods.

You can view the presentation slides starting on page 12 of this packet.

The Social Services and Public Safety Committee will meet on Tuesday, January 28th at 1pm in Council Chambers. You can attend in-person or watch live on LexTV.

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