Feds award Lexington $8.1M to fix N. Broadway railroad overpass

LEXINGTON, KY — The city of Lexington has been awarded $8.1 million in federal transportation grants to tackle a much-needed overhaul of a vital transportation corridor. The funding will be directed towards the reconstruction and expansion of a North Broadway railroad overpass in proximity to New Circle Road. In addition to widening the overpass, the project aims to refurbish and extend sidewalks in the area. Furthermore, the initiative is designed to mitigate flooding in the North Broadway and New Circle Road vicinity, while also easing access for large vehicles such as trucks, the Herald-Leader’s Beth Musgrave reports.

Governor Andy Beshear expressed his gratitude towards the federal government for the grant, emphasizing that the funding will bolster safety for both motorists and pedestrians. “We are thankful for the funding to support this important project for Lexington,” said Gov. Beshear. “Our team worked hard to secure this grant which will help make sure our families have a safer place to drive, bike and walk.”

Lexington Mayor Linda Gorton echoed the Governor’s sentiments, highlighting that the project is poised to not only enhance safety but also augment the economic prospects of the area. “Rebuilding the railroad overpass will remove barriers, increase mobility, enhance safety, and improve the economic vitality of the area,” remarked Mayor Gorton. “This is a long-standing problem, and we are delighted to have funding that offers a solution.”

With the North Broadway corridor being a significant artery in Lexington, the overpass reconstruction is expected to have far-reaching implications. For years, the region has grappled with infrastructure that has languished and struggled to keep pace with the demands of a growing population. Notably, the narrow configuration of the existing overpass has been a particular source of contention, frequently causing traffic snarls and proving perilous for pedestrians.

The grant, which was vigorously pursued by the Beshear administration, is a piece of a broader mosaic of infrastructure investments aimed at catapulting Lexington into the future. The project will involve elaborate engineering and construction to ensure that the expanded overpass is not only more navigable for vehicles but also more conducive to foot traffic.

Local businesses in the area are also eagerly anticipating the completion of the project. The enhanced accessibility and reduction in flooding are expected to translate into increased footfall and economic activity, which would be a boon for commerce.

As Lexington prepares to usher in an era of infrastructural revitalization, residents and businesses alike wait with bated breath. The North Broadway project stands as a testament to the potential of collaborative efforts between state and federal entities in bringing about transformative change in local communities. The endeavor will seek not just to reconstruct an overpass, but to rebuild a vital lifeline of the city.

Photo from Google.