Two eastern Kentucky counties receive nearly $4 million for clean water and other projects

WEKU | By John McGary

Governor Beshear was in Manchester Monday to announce 3-point-8 million dollars in state and federal funding for clean drinking water and other projects in Clay and Leslie counties.

Two of the big-ticket items are in Clay County, where more than 1-point-2 million dollars in Cleaner Water Program funds will extend public water service, rehab waterlines and three water tanks and upgrade a pump station.

The Appalachian Regional Commission, which Beshear co-chairs, will send another $2 million to several agencies and nonprofits in Clay and Leslie counties.

The governor’s office says those funds will help addiction recovery, economic development, regional tourism and accessible transportation efforts in the two counties.

Beshear, a Democrat faces off against Republican state Attorney General Daniel Cameron this November in the governor’s race.

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