Downtown Lexington the site of a pro-Palestinian Rally

WEKU | By Stu Johnson

The heart of downtown Lexington became the site for a rally in support of Palestinians in the Middle East. The event during a busy drive time attracted about 200 people to the Courthouse Plaza.

The emotional gathering comes after the deadly Hamas attack of Israeli citizens more than a week ago and Israel’s military response taking many Palestinian lives in Gaza. One of the speakers was Dr. Nadia Rasheed who said the problem is not the Jewish people, it’s the state of Israel that has occupied the Palestinian territories.

“Gaza is an open-air prison under Israeli military blockade since 2007,” said Rasheed.

 Rasheed told those gathered their tax dollars were part of $38 billion in U.S. military aid to Israel over ten years.

Later, Lexington Rabbi David Wirtschafter called the Hamas operation an attack in historic proportion, devastating in its scope, adding it, quote “struck to our very core as Jews.”

 Wirtschafter said the hope is for de-escalation.

“Our hope and prayer is that all parties in the conflict can work through their pain, anger, and outrage in a manner that is devoid of more killing.”

Wirtschafter said there’s a disjunction between the Palestinian people and their leaders and the people of Israel and their leadership.

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Republished with permission. Photo by Stu Johnson.