The Kentucky Senate’s next majority floor leader could be a history maker

Republished from WEKU.


When Kentucky Senate Republicans go about picking a person to serve as majority floor leader in 2025, history could be made. Louisville Senator Julie Raque Adams has been mentioned as a possible replacement for Damon Thayer who has announced he won’t seek re-election. Raque Adams sounds interested.

“You know I actually think that I would that job, but as you know I serve at the will of the caucus and so I would have to understand what the caucus wanted me to do and what role they would like me to play, but yes, I would love to continue serving in a leadership role for my caucus,” said Raque Adams.

Raque Adams, who began her time in Frankfort in the House in 2011, serves currently as majority caucus chair. As for being the first female to hold that position in the Senate, Raque Adams said, it’s a GOP caucus decision so she would defer to their votes and their opinions. If chosen, Raque Adams said her approach may be a bit different than Thayer’s.

“Oh, I think that Damon is very unique in his style and I think that yes I would have a much different style than he would have and I think both would be as effective,” said Raque Adams.

Thayer has said Raque Adams is natural choice to follow him as floor leader. Thayer added the Louisville legislator is committed to the leadership dynamic, in tune with caucus members and their needs, and a skilled multi-tasker.

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Originally published by WEKU.

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