Kentucky House Education Committee advances bill requiring daily moment of silence in schools

Republished from WEKU.


The Kentucky House of Representatives’ Standing Committee on Education has advanced House Bill 96, which would require a daily moment of silence in public schools.

The period of silence would last one to two minutes at the start of the first class of each day.

The bill’s text requires students remain seated and silent during that period, and would keep teachers from offering instruction on how that period is spent.

Parents would also be notified when the policy is put into place.

Supporters of the bill say it would allow a time for reflection before the school day, and that students can decide how to use that time.

Opponents say it sets aside a time specifically meant for prayer and violates the First Amendment right to practice freedom of religion.

The bill is now set to be discussed on the House floor.

Originally published by WEKU.

Republished with permission.