Jaime Parsons is new Ky. Rural Health Assn. executive director

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The Kentucky Rural Health Association has a new executive director.
She is Jaime Parsons, “a seasoned leader with a proven track record in healthcare administration and a deep commitment to rural health,” a news release from KRHA said.
Parsons has nearly 20 years of experience in health care, “with a strong focus on improving health-care access and outcomes in rural communities,” the release says. “Her extensive background includes experience in rural health clinic administration and accreditation, grant writing and management, association management, rural advocacy and community engagement.
KRHA President Amanda Dennison said in the release, “Her passion for rural health, wealth of experience and strategic vision align with the association’s mission to improve healthcare for all rural Kentuckians. As a board, we are excited to work with Jaime to further the association’s reach and relationships as we work together to tackle the unique challenges faced by rural communities in Kentucky.”
Parsons said, “Rural is in my blood and I am deeply committed to issues which impact rural areas. I look forward to collaborating with the dedicated members of KRHA as well as stakeholders and community leaders from across the commonwealth to enhance health and promote the well-being of individuals in rural Kentucky.”
Parsons succeeds Tina McCormick, who was executive director for more than 10 years. McCoemich said in the release, “It is with great excitement that I leave my post as the executive director to a qualified rural-health leader.”

Kentucky Health News is an independent news service of the Institute for Rural Journalism and Community Issues, based in the School of Journalism and Media at the University of Kentucky, with support from the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky.

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