Norton Healthcare expands its footprint in Bowling Green with primary care; also adds a multi-purpose facility in Frankfort

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Kentucky Health News

Norton Healthcare
of Louisville is buying Bowling Green Internal Medicine and Pediatric Associates as its latest interest in the state’s third largest city.

“It’s about taking our specialized services out into the state,” Dr. Steve Hester, Norton’s senior vice president and chief clinical and strategy officer, told Don Sergent of the Bowling Green Daily News. “We appreciate the relationships we already have with providers in Bowling Green. Now we want to look at what things we can bring that aren’t already there.”
Norton spokesman Joe Hall told Sergent that the company already has “significant investments” in Bowling Green through such Norton Children’s Hospital specialty practices as heart, neurology and maternal-fetal medicine, and the new group will “bring primary care into the fold.”
Sergent notes, “Norton is also expanding to other locales outside of Louisville. Earlier this month, it announced a new $12 million multi-practice location in Frankfort that will provide pediatrics, adult services and urgent care under one roof.”

Kentucky Health News is an independent news service of the Institute for Rural Journalism and Community Issues, based in the School of Journalism and Media at the University of Kentucky, with support from the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky.

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