Lexington City Council committee gets economic update; regional industrial park discussed

Originally published by WEKU.

The Lexington City Council’s Budget, Finance & Economic Development Committee got an economic update from city officials Tuesday afternoon – and most of the news was good. Among the items discussed were regional economic development efforts, including a proposed joint industrial park with Madison and Scott Counties. Kevin Atkins is Lexington’s chief development officer. .

“The state agreed with that project. And we’re really looking forward. And those conversations on operations of that are ongoing and well. And we are talking about things like revenue sharing, so what benefits one benefits all.”

Another presentation showed the unemployment rate in Fayette County last October was 3-point-1 percent, compared to a 4-point-2 statewide and 3-point-9 nationally. Director of Business Engagement Amy Glasscock:

“Since 1990, we’ve added just over 47,000 jobs. We grew from 2020 to 2022 by just a little over 8,000 jobs. So that was you know, during the prime point of COVID. So that really goes to show how much that we are growing.”

The latest population count shows Lexington with more than 322,000 people – up from 225-thousand in 1990.

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Originally published by WEKU.

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