Community Paramedicine and Domestic Violence Coalition Present Updates to Council Committee


Paramedicine Update

In Tuesday’s Social Services and Public Safety (SSPS) Committee, Fire Captain Seth Lockard will present an update on the Community Paramedicine Program. The Community Paramedicine program pairs teams of firefighters, paramedics, social workers, and police officers to assist in post-acute crises across Lexington.

In 2023, the Paramedicine Program responded to 735 unique individuals, with 325 of those cases being substance abuse related. Service referrals come from a variety of places including hospitals and social service agencies, emails from the Police and Fire Departments, and community members.

In 2024, the program plans to add two new Firefighters, one Peer Support Specialist, and two Overdose Prevention Coordinators to the staff. The program will also partner with the UK Center for Drug and Alcohol Research to evaluate residents in need, and will partner with Voices of Hope to co-manage an additional Peer Support Specialist.

You can view the presentation slides starting on page five of this packet.

Domestic and Sexual Violence Prevention Coalition

Also in Tuesday’s SSPS Committee, Councilmembers will hear a presentation from the Domestic and Sexual Violence Prevention Coalition of Lexington. The Domestic Violence Coalition is made up of a variety of City and non-profit partners who work to prevent domestic violence, and provide a host of services to survivors.

The presentation will touch on some of the services and programs operated by the Coalition, including the It’s Time Campaign launched in 2023. Councilmembers have cited continued funding for the It’s Time Campaign as a budget priority for the upcoming City Budget. You can view the presentation staring on page 15 of this packet.

The Social Services and Public Safety Committee will meet Tuesday, March 5th at 1pm in Council Chambers. You can attend in-person or watch live on LexTV.

Republished from CivicLex.

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Adrian Paul Bryant is CivicLex’s Civic Information Specialist, reporting on City Hall meetings and local issues that affect Lexingtonians every day. Raised in Jackson County, Adrian is a lifelong Kentuckian who is now proud to call Lexington home.