Kentucky bill limiting recording at private feeding operations passes legislature, on governor’s desk

Republished from WEKU.

A bill that would limit recording at animal feeding operations and food manufacturing plants is now on the governor’s desk.

Senate Bill 16 criminalizes the operation of unmanned drones and recording equipment at private facilities without the written consent of the owner.

Supporters like industry giant Tyson Foods say such recordings undermine Kentucky’s agricultural industry. Opponents say it overreaches and keeps workers from reporting unsafe conditions.

A committee substitute that would allow government employees to record during official work passed the House of Representatives Tuesday. The Senate concurred and passed that version of the bill Wednesday.

Gov. Beshear can now choose to veto or pass the bill, with or without his signature. The state legislature is adjourned until April 12, when they’ll finish this year’s session.

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Originally published by WEKU.

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