Kentucky’s first utility wind turbine running in Mercer County

Republished from WEKU.

Utility company LG&E and KU say their first utility wind turbine is up and running in Mercer County.

It’s being used to research the effectiveness of wind energy in the Commonwealth. The utility finished construction at the end of February, and tested it through March.

Utility Representative Daniel Lowry says it’s being used to research the effectiveness of wind energy in the Commonwealth.

“This wind turbine doesn’t really produce, and we don’t expect it to produce a lot of energy,” Lowry said. “But the key thing for us is it will provide insight that will help us analyze the options we have for the future.”

Lowry says they expect turbines to pair well with solar farms.

“The key things we know about wind energy is typically it’s windier in the winter, and we have more wind at night,” Lowry said. “It works perfectly with solar in conjunction, which works much better during, obviously, the daytime, and in summer.”

The turbine is expected to produce enough power over one year for around 16 Kentucky homes. At full power and when the wind is blowing, it can power up to 90.

LG&E and KU is an underwriter for WEKU.

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Originally published by WEKU.

Republished with permission.