Rural Short-term Rental Recommendations Returns to Committee

In Tuesday’s General Government and Planning (GGP) Committee, Purchase of Development Rights Director Beth Overman will present recommendations on regulating short-term rentals (STR) in the Rural Service Area (RSA) — this is the area of Fayette County located outside the Urban Service Boundary (USB).
Overman’s presentation was scheduled to happen in April’s GGP Committee meeting, but the meeting ran out of time before the presentation was able to happen.
When Lexington passed STR regulations last year, they only pertained to STRs inside the USB. Over the past several months, the Rural Land Management Board has been meeting to develop its own recommendations for how STRs should be managed in rural Fayette County. They are presenting ten recommendations, including:
Allowing only self-hosted STRs in rural Fayette County.
Requiring all rural STRs to obtain a conditional use permit.
Limiting all STRs to two occupants per bedroom.
Allowing only one STR unit per property.
No more than one STR should be located within a one-mile radius.
You can view the presentation slides starting on page three of this packet.
LFUCG is looking for input on STRs. You can weigh in here.
The General Government and Planning Committee will meet Tuesday, May 7th at 1pm in Council Chambers. You can attend in-person or watch live on LexTV.
Republished from CivicLex.
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