USFS asking for public input on fee increases in Daniel Boone National Forest Service, Red River Gorge

Republished from WEKU.

Hikers and campers can chime in on the U.S. Forest Service’s proposal to start charging fees at 22 recreation sites in the Cumberland and London Ranger Districts. The plan would also raise fees for camping in the Red River Gorge. Eric Dodd is the District Recreation Program Manager for the Cumberland Ranger District. He said the changes are necessary to maintain services and take care of deferred maintenance.

“This is our draft, our initial proposal. And we encourage visitors to, and public to comment, welcome comments, whether it be positive, constructive, maybe they have different ideas that we don’t have.”

Dodd said camping in the gorge would go from a per-vehicle to per-site, per-night plan.

“That would be $10 for a back country campsite, which is more than a quarter mile from a road or parking lot. And then $15 per night per site, for front country campsites, which is within a quarter mile of parking toilets, picnic tables.”

Public input will be accepted through the end of July.

USFS Public Input

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Originally published by WEKU.

Republished with permission.