Kentucky Attorney General says Kentucky elections are in good hands

Republished from WEKU.

Following yesterday’s primary election, Kentucky Attorney General Russell Coleman said his office received 35 pre-election complaints from a total of 19 counties leading up to yesterday’s primary.

Speaking from the Election Integrity Command Center in Frankfort on Election Day, Coleman said its important for various law enforcement entities to work together.

“When efforts like this, where you have law enforcement collaborating and rowing in the same direction, it’s not just a Kentucky problem, that’s been a challenge to law enforcement, whether we’re talking about election security, or we’re talking about overdose deaths, or violence.”

The Election Integrity Command Center is staffed by prosecutors, investigators and staff from the Attorney General’s Office. They receive Kentuckians’ allegations of election law violations and to coordinate a statewide network of law enforcement partners.

 Coleman said it takes more than law enforcement to protect elections.

“We’re in regular communication with the Secretary of State’s Office, the State Board of Elections, and maybe most importantly, talk about the workhorses that get this done, our county clerks across the commonwealth. We’re emailing and on the phone with county clerks, with the State Board of Elections, and when needed, the Secretary of State’s Office.”

Coleman said his office operates the Election Fraud Hotline for Kentuckians to report complaints or irregularities in the voting process.

Coleman said the Kentucky’s voter ID law is also helping preserve the integrity of the commonwealth’s elections.

Kentuckians can report suspected election law violations at (800) 328-VOTE and here.

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Originally published by WEKU.

Republished with permission.