Well known Kentucky political pundit breaks down Primary 2024

Republished from WEKU.

Primary 2024 is in the books and the focus will shift to a much larger attention-getter, the November Presidential Election. This is still a time to reflect on Tuesday outcomes.

The uncommitted count in Kentucky among Democrats in the presidential race registered 18%. It was 4% on the GOP side. Al Cross has been following politics for all of his adult-life. The current UK journalism professor said some Democrats are unhappy with food and gas prices and there’s student unrest over the Middle East War.

“I think as the election gets closer and they realize there’s a binary choice and hopefully larger issues in play, that Biden may have a chance to recapture those voters,” said Cross.

State legislative races found “liberty” candidates, sometime referred to as insurgents, making gains. Cross said it wasn’t a huge amount of momentum but still overcoming money put up by, quote, “the establishment.

“It says that the energy in the Republican Party, at least those people who are willing to turn out for Primaries, is really driven by social issues and a feeling of anti-elitism, which has been propounded mainly by Donald Trump,” said Cross.

Cross noted those typically very conservative candidates may still face a tall task in November against Democrats. The former long-time political writer for the Courier Journal added that’s because voter turnout will likely be much higher.

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Originally published by WEKU.

Republished with permission.
