Sports equipment drive to help eastern Kentucky schools rebuild phys ed programs

Republished from WEKU.

The drive is helping support physical education programs at eastern Kentucky schools as they continue to rebuild. It’s being organized by the ARH Foundation for Healthier Communities.

““The foundation is still working with our long-term recovery teams daily to provide the things families need as they are just now moving back into homes,” foundation Executive Director Angela Bailey said.

The foundation has created an Amazon wish list with items that will go directly to the affected schools. Monetary donations are also being accepted.

Bailey says the drive is part of their mission to help build healthy communities.

“We know that physical education and organized sports are some of those things that help contribute to health for our young people,” Bailey said.

The drive will run through the end of August. Donations can be made in-person at the foundation’s Lexington office, or online through their website or Amazon wishlist. 100 percent of all monetary donations will go to the schools.

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Originally published by WEKU.

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