Officials declare I-75 manhunt concluded: Body found identified as Joseph Couch

Republished from WEKU.

Authorities have officially announced that the manhunt is over for the suspected I-75 shooting.

Kentucky’s Chief Medical Examiner Dr. William Ralston and the state police crime lab have confirmed the body believed to be that of suspected gunman Joseph Couch has been positively identified.

On Thursday Dr. Ralston said due to extreme decomposition of the body, the soft tissue DNA test was inconclusive, but today they were able use bone from the suspect to get a positive identification.

Couch is suspected of opening fire on vehicles on Interstate-75 earlier this month, wounding five people. The announcement from the medical examiner officially brings the nearly two week long manhunt to a close.

Laurel County Sheriff’s Department will continue to lead the investigation into the shooting.

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Originally published by WEKU.

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