Lt. Gov. Coleman blasts Amendment 2, lawmakers who support it

Republished from WEKU.

Lieutenant Governor Jacqueline Coleman returned to the county where she taught and coached to campaign against Amendment 2, which would alter the state Constitution to allow public funds to be used for private schools. In Wilmore City Hall Tuesday morning, the former East Jessamine High School teacher took aim at the amendment and the Republican lawmakers backing it.

“As they sit on record budget surpluses, rainy day funds, record private sector investments, job creation, they have failed to fund even the most basic tenants of public education, classroom resources, textbooks, technology, professional development.”

Coleman said Amendment 2 would result in teachers and other public school employees losing jobs, particularly in communities without private schools.

“And when we talk about funding leaving rural communities, mind you that here in Jessamine County, that funding will go right down the road to places like Lexington, who have private schools.”

One of the pro-amendment groups is KY Students First/Yes on 2. They released a statement saying, in part, “Kentuckians believe in empowering families and teachers through school choice policies that are in place in all of our surrounding states.”

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Originally published by WEKU.

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