Lexington Council Members get greenhouse gas emissions report

Originally published by WEKU.

Lexington City Council members have been briefed on efforts to evaluate greenhouse gas emissions and, in turn, take steps toward reduction. Chris Evilia in the Division of Planning, said LexTran is looking to increase its capability to take on electric vehicles.

“Part of this issue is providing shelter for the buses because in temperature extremes their operations degrade whether it’s really hot or really cold,” said Evilia.

Lexington officials are hoping for federal grant money to facilitate climate pollution reduction. Those could include energy and transportation measures to reduce emissions by 2030 and beyond.

Members of a City Council committee heard from sustainability program manager Jada Walker Griggs on Tuesday. Griggs said the EPA grant could help plot the future direction.

“Cause part of this is going to be ok how do you reduce this, how do you go about it,?” said Walker Griggs.

Walker Griggs said the grant would allow urban county government to have a roadmap to focus on Lexington and Fayette County-specific plans. Lexington Environmental Quality is a contributor to Weku.

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Originally published by WEKU.

Republished with permission.
