Two Kentucky National guard members awarded Medal of Valor for flood rescue operations

Republished from WEKU.

Two members of the Kentucky National Guard were honored Friday with the Kentucky Medal for Valor for their role in rescuing flood victims two years ago.

Sgt. 1st Class Jeremy Lowe and Staff Sgt. Ryan Hunter were presented with the commendation by Lieutenant Governor Jacqueline Coleman and Adjutant General Haldane (Hahl-dayn) B. Lamberton during a ceremony at the capitol rotunda.

Both men were involved in dangerous rescue operations that included rappelling from a helicopter and through rooftops to save victims that would have drowned in their homes otherwise.

Lamberton presented the two men with the award. He also recognized how rare the commendation is.

“In the past two plus decades and doing a little bit of research, including today’s presentation, we’ve only recognized some of our service members seven times,” Lamberton said.

Lowe credited everyone else involved in the rescue missions during his speech at the ceremony.

“This award is not just the recognition of the actions of two flight paramedics. It is a testament to the extraordinary teamwork, bravery, dedication of countless individuals and organizations being united during the devastating floods,” Lowe said.

The National Guard rescued 241 victims of the eastern Kentucky floods two years ago.

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Originally published by WEKU.

Republished with permission.